Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Journal 3- Inception Screening Report



Created and directed by Christopher Nolan.

Ø  Loud noise, Cobb washes up on shore. Waves in slow motion, splashing up on the beach shore and slamming into rocks.
Ø  Sees kids playing in the sand. Just a memory.
Ø  Security guy with a gun finds Cobb and brings him to Saito. He asked by name.
Ø  Sees Saito and sees he is an old man.

Flash back.

Ø  Younger and sitting at the same table and with Saito talking about inception.
Ø  Go out on deck, Wife-Mal shows up.
Ø  Scenes are dark lit.
Ø  Ends up going back to room where Cobb was talking with Saito.
Ø  Try’s to steal from the safe.
Ø  Wife shows up with a gun and his friend Arthur as hostage, along with Saito.
Ø  Saito now realizes it’s a dream, and if you kill someone they will just wake up, but pain you really feel. So Mal shoots Arthur in the leg.
Ø  Cobb shoots his friend so he wakes up. Cobb continues to run from Santos men and shooting.
Ø  Cobb won’t wake up so his friend Nash pushes him in a tube full of water.
Ø  He falls slow motion into the water, submerging himself in it.
Ø  So in other dream, where he is running from Saitos men, the building floods with water, and he wakes up.

·         Now in another dream.

Ø  In one of Saitos safe houses.
Ø  Outside is a big riot going on that’s moving down the street closer to them.
Ø  Saito realizes by lying on the ground and on the carpet he can tell it’s not the same feeling as the actual one he has so notices he’s in another dream.

·         Another dream

Ø  They all wake up from that dream on a train and leave before Saito wakes up and doesn’t know what happened and really thinks not that he was just dreaming.
Ø  Cobb goes back to an apt and and spins his top.
Ø  Quiet
Ø  Then phone rings really loud and kind of spooks him.
Ø  It’s his kids, and they wonder if he will ever come home. And that grandma says we will never come home.

·         Arthur comes over and they go to get on a helicopter and Saito has Nash as a hostage.

Ø  He asks if Inception is possible.
Ø  Saito wants to get into Robert Fischer’s head so he can break up is fathers empire.
Ø  Offers Cobb to get him home and see his kids in return.

·         Cobb went by his father to get an Architect.

Ø  Get a girl named Ariadne and talks to her about the job.
Ø  The sound and bass is gets increasingly louder, heartbeat sound.
Ø  Has her draw a maze that takes a minute to draw and two minutes to solve.

·         Cobb now sitting with Ariadne outside at some restaurant and having coffee.

Ø  She’s actually in first lesson and in a dream.
Ø  The market places and buildings and everything start to explode and fly’s up in slow motion.
Ø  Dramatic effect
Ø  She gets hit by something and wakes up.
Ø  They then go back in for 5 mins. Actually equaling 1 hr. in dream world.
Ø  She wraps the buildings up and bends them over on top so looks like mirror image on the top of all the buildings.
Ø  Makes her way to a bridge, and place she often goes.
Ø  Cobb gets a flash back of his wife and him there.
Ø  Tells Ariadne to make new maps and not something you already know.
Ø  Cause then you don’t know if you’re in a dream or in reality.
Ø  You’ll get lost.
Ø  All the people surrounding them start to attack and Mal comes up and stabs Ariadne, she wakes up
Ø  She freaks out and walks out.

·         Different scene

Ø  Cobb meets Eames and talks about inception, while sitting around a group of people in a restaurant.
Ø  People come after Cobb and he jumps off balcony.
Ø  Runs the streets to get away while guys are chasing him.
Ø  Camera angle shows tops of roofs and buildings and going down the streets to show the city.
Ø  Saito picks him and Eames up in care.

·         Cobb and Saito go to Yusuf to make compounds for inception.

Ø  Heartbeat noise again, anticipation.
Ø  Saito wants to go into the dream with Cobb.

Ø  They are showed a group of 12 people that are all hooked up in the same dream.
Ø  All down in a basement.
Ø  Cobb enters dream and his wife’s there so he wakes up.
Ø  Pours water on his face.
Ø  All worked up.

·         Eames talks to Mr. Browning

Ø  Mr. Browning goes into room where Robert Fischer and his dad are.
Ø  Robert is standing by his father’s side while he is dying.
Ø  Browning talks to Robert about what he is going to about the business.
Ø  Robert doesn’t want to talk about it.

·         Ariadne comes back and talks to Cobb about mazes,

Ø  Cobb can’t make his own because his wife will enter and ruin the whole operation.
Ø  He can’t go home because they think he killed her.

·         After hours at the office.

Ø  Cobb is hooked up and dreaming alone.
Ø  Ariadne enters his dream.
Ø  She comes down an elevator and sees him and Mal talking really quietly.
Ø  Mal sees her and there is a loud noise.
Ø  Cobb runs over and takes her back up the elevator to the beach and he sees his kids again.
Ø  He only ever sees the back of their heads and never their faces when in a dream.
Ø  Then goes to another level and it’s his house.
Ø  Talking to her about it and she runs back quick and gets in elevator and goes to the bottom level (B).
Ø  It’s a trashed hotel room.
Ø  Wife is sitting on the couch and asks her what she is doing there.
Ø  She slowly comes walking around the corner and circles Ariadne.
Ø  Then Cobb shows up.
Ø  Mal grabs a broken wine glass and charges at them and they are able to get into the elevator in time.
Ø  Loud noise.
Ø  Shakes elevator and says “you promised we would grow old together.”
Ø  This is the room where she committed suicide.

·         They wake up from that dream and the other guys show up.

Ø  Said the Old man, Fischer’s father, died.
Ø  They all get on a plane, he steals Roberts passport.
Ø  He gives it back and talks to him for a little bit.
Ø  Cobb gets him some water and slips something in it.
Ø  Robert passes out.
Ø  Everybody on plane gets hooked up and enters a dream.

·         First dream.
Ø  Rainy, dark outside, stormy day.
Ø  They have a car and steal a taxi and get Robert to get in it. And kidnap him.
Ø  Cobb in the other car picks up girl and they get hit by a train going right down the middle of the road.
Ø  Guys get out of their cars and start shooting at them.
Ø  They hit Saito
Ø  Camera angles showing lots of different views while driving and shooting scenes.
Ø  The get to the office and Try to help Saito.
Ø  They can’t shoot and kill him because then he might enter limbo instead and may never wake up.

·         They talk to Robert about safe and a combination.
Ø  They can’t get anything from hi so send browning in to convince him to tell.
Ø  Actually it’s Eames impersonating Browning.

Ø  Cobb and Mal got stuck in limbo for 50 years and created their own world by memory. Mal locked up her top, which is how she could tell if she was dreaming or in reality.
Ø  They got out of limbo and she kept having an idea that they still weren’t in realty.
Ø  She wanted to wake up and kill herself but wanted to Cobb to do it too.
Ø  She was going to jump and kill herself and frame it on Cobb.

·         They all get in a van and enter another dream.
Ø  Cobb is in a building talking to Robert.
Ø  He says how he is to protect him from people trying to get into his mind and says he’s actually dreaming now.
Ø  Outside in other dream, car is shaking back and forth and everybody is whiplashing all around in slow motion.
Ø  Cobb drifts off thinking about wife...ex: a broken wine glass and a window open with the breeze blowing the drapes around.
Ø  The van rolls, everybody flips around in hotel while the whole hotel is revolving also.
Ø  Slow motion. Dramatic music.

·         In another dream on a snow capped mountain.
Ø  Van hits the bridge in one dream.
Ø  Arthur in the hotel goes flying and floats in the air in another dream.
Ø  An Avalanche in another dream.
Ø  All of these are kick to hurry up and finish.
Ø  Trying to get into the safe.
Ø  While in the mountain, wife shot Robert.
Ø  Saito dies and enters limbo.

·         Cobb and Ariadne enter into his and his wife’s limbo world.
Ø  They see wife in house sitting at the table.
Ø  She wants Cobb to choose to stay with her.
Ø  He said they already grew old together.
Ø  He tried inception on her first and planted the idea that her world wasn’t real.
Ø  Robert woke up.
Ø  The noise stopped and he walked to the safe.
Ø  In the safe his father is saying his last words again to him. And says that he was disappointed, disappointed that he tried to be like him. 
Ø  He wanted his son Robert to be himself.
Ø  He also opened the safe and in it was his old paper windmill from when he was a kid.

·         Car hits the water.
Ø  Slow motion.
Ø  Water submerging in the van.
Ø  Everybody wakes up except for Cobb, he is still in limbo
Ø  Flashback to the beginning of the movie where Cobb washes up on shore.
Ø  Goes up by Saito, he is an old man and has been in limbo for a long time.
Ø  Cobb was there to bring him back out of limbo and remind him of the real world.

·         Cobb wakes up on plane and everybody else as well.
Ø  Everybody looks at Cobb and smiling, knowing the operation was a success.
Ø  Saito makes the phone call.
Ø  Cobb is in the airport, and trying to get through security.
Ø  He does.
Ø  Walks slow motion through the airport and at some point walks past everybody he did the operation with.
Ø  His father picks him up. And brings him home.
Ø  The music increases and he spins the top.
Ø  He finally sees his kid’s faces.
Ø  The noise quiets down and focuses on the top that’s still spinning and in never stops.
Ø  It leaves you with wondering if he is still in a dream or reality.

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